TIFF Programmation



9 H 30 À 11 H

Pavillon du CanadaIndustry Centre, Stand 2-3, Hyatt Regency, 370 King Street W.  

Petit-déjeuner de bienvenue 

Téléfilm Canada, en partenariat avec Ontario Creates, vous invite à un petit-déjeuner de bienvenue au Pavillon du Canada pour célébrer les Canadiens et Canadiennes au TIFF 2023. Venez prendre un café avec nous et profitez de l’occasion pour rencontrer ou retrouver vos collègues du Canada qui participent au marché.   

*Ouvert aux délégué.es de l’industrie détenteurs d’un badge 

Joel Fecht
vice-président, Ventes et développement des affaires, Access Canada 

Joel Fecht a passé plus de 20 ans dans le domaine des ventes et du marketing en publicité et en divertissement. Que ce soit pour des entreprises Internet en démarrage ou des multinationales au sommet de l’industrie, Joel excelle dans divers rôles : rédacteur principal, producteur de webséries, directeur général, représentant des ventes, chef d’équipe des ventes et directeur des ventes et du développement commercial. Il occupe depuis peu le poste de vice-président des ventes et du développement commercial à Access Canada, une société de services en marque blanche qui fournit à l’industrie du divertissement des services de relations publiques, des programmes de formation, un accès au marché et à des événements personnalisés tels que Content Canada, qui aura lieu les 13 et 14 septembre au Drake à Toronto. 

En tant que vice-président des ventes et du développement commercial de Content Canada, il dirige et supervise l’ensemble des ventes et des partenariats stratégiques. Sous sa direction, Access Canada est rapidement devenu le premier fournisseur de services en marque blanche du Canada, et il est personnellement responsable de la création et du lancement de l’Alberta Producer Accelerator et du Northern Canada Producer Accelerator, le premier programme de formation des producteurs offert aux résidents du nord du Canada avec le soutien de tous les grands diffuseurs anglophones du pays. 

Les entreprises suivantes ont la chance de figurer parmi ses clients : Téléfilm Canada, Netflix, Amazon Studios, Bell Media, Rogers, Corus, CBC, APTN, eOne, BRON, CMPA, C21 Media, Patrimoine Canada, The Black Academy, Reelworld Screen Institute, l’Office de la représentation des personnes handicapées à l’écran, le Bureau de l’écran noir, Racial Equity Screen Office, Calgary Economic Development, Yukon Media Development, Screen Production Yukon Association, Northwest Territories Film Commission, Northwest Territories Professional Media Association, le Fonds Bell, Ontario Créatif, le Bureau du cinéma et de la télévision du Québec (BCTQ), William F. White, Universal Music, Warner Records, BMG, Paramount+ et combien d’autres. 


Amanda Forbis

National Film Board Of Canada

Cassidy Dimon
fondatrice du Film Event Accessibility Working Group

Cassidy Dimon est une cinéaste et productrice d’événements qui détient plus de 15 ans d’expérience dans la production d’événements cinématographiques partout aux États-Unis. Elle a à son actif plus de 200 projections de films, de nombreuses remises de prix et festivals de cinéma, ainsi que deux éditions de la reconnue conférence sur le cinéma documentaire Getting Real. MmeCassidy est également la fondatrice du Film Event Accessibility Working Group (FEAW), groupe de travail sur l’accessibilité des événements cinématographiques, une initiative qui exploite le pouvoir collectif des professionnels de l’événementiel pour aider les exploitants de tout le pays à développer et à mettre sur pied des événements accessibles. Elle a également créé la fiche d’évaluation de l’accessibilité des événements cinématographiques, lancée en juillet 2022. Elle est actuellement directrice des programmes, des événements et de l’accessibilité à Full Spectrum Features, à Chicago, dans l’Illinois. 


Wendy Tilby

National Film Board Of Canada

Prasanna Ranganathan
Consultant en diversité, équité, inclusion et appartenance et conseiller en accessibilité

Prasanna Ranganathan (il/elle) est avocat spécialisé dans les droits de l’homme, consultant et responsable de la diversité et de l’inclusion, conseiller en accessibilité, conférencier et stratège en médias sociaux. Prasanna a été responsable de la diversité et de l’appartenance chez Shopify et avocat international spécialisé dans les droits de l’homme. Il a plus de 16 ans d’expérience dans les domaines de la diversité, de l’inclusion et de l’accessibilité, dans la profession juridique, dans l’industrie du divertissement et dans le secteur des technologies. Il est producteur associé de la série documentaire Born for Business (2021) sur les entrepreneurs handicapés (actuellement diffusée sur NBC Peacock et Crave Canada) et producteur associé du film documentaire Dream, Girl (2016) sur les femmes entrepreneurs, dont la première a eu lieu à la Maison Blanche durant la présidence de Barack Obama. Stratège en médias sociaux et correspondant tapis rouge, Prasanna a couvert les tapis rouges des Academy Awards 2019 et des Screen Actors Guild Awards 2014, et a conçu des campagnes de médias sociaux pour Oprah Winfrey et Arianna Huffington. Revendiquant fièrement son identité de personne LGBTQ2+ racisée avec un handicap (Prasanna est légalement aveugle), Prasanna est un conférencier chevronné sur la diversité, l’inclusion et l’accessibilité, offrant l’atelier annuel sur l’inclusion et l’accessibilité du Festival international du film de Toronto à tous les membres du personnel et étant conférencier invité à l’initiative Annenberg Inclusion de l’Université de Californie du Sud sur la narration inclusive. 


Lori Malépart-Traversy

National Film Board Of Canada

Michelle Asgarali
Productrice à la création


Shehrezade Mian
Productrice, Markhor Pictures

Shehrezade Mian est une productrice canado-pakistanaise basée à Toronto. En 2021, Mian a été sélectionnée pour le TIFF-Netflix Talent Accelerator Fellowship, ainsi que pour le On Demand Access Program for producers de l’European Audio-Visual Entrepreneurs (EAVE), présenté par le National Screen Institute et le Fonds des médias du Canada. En outre, Mian a également été sélectionnée pour le programme de mentorat Women In Film and Television Connect avec le SVP de VICE Media en 2020. 

En 2019, son long métrage Concrete Valley a été sélectionné par le programme Talent to Watch de Téléfilm Canada et sera présenté en première mondiale au Festival international du film de Toronto en 2022. Ses films ont également été financés par le Conseil des arts du Canada, de l’Ontario et de Toronto et ont été projetés dans de nombreux festivals à travers le monde. 


Christine Noël
Executive Producer of the French Animation Program

National Film Board Of Canada


14 H 30 À 15 H 30

Canadian Broadcasting Centre, Studio A, 250 Front Street W. 


Beyond Co-pros: Cross-border Collaborations & Funds for Canadians   

(Aller au-delà des copros : Collaborations internationales et financement pour les Canadiens et Canadiennes)

Vous souhaitez produire avec des partenaires internationaux? Découvrez les nouveaux fonds, ou les fonds récemment ouverts aux producteurs et productrices du Canada, et qui soutiennent une diversité de perspectives et des façons de collaborer dans des projets cinématographiques à l’échelle internationale.  

Rencontrez des représentant.es de Telefilm Canada, de la fondation New Dawn Fund, d’Eurimages et du International Sámi Film Institute pour découvrir comment faire une demande de financement auprès de ces programmes   

  • New Dawn Fund   
  • Arctic Indigenous Film Fund   
  • EURIMAGES – Fonds de Soutien au Cinéma Européen  

Sous-titres ouverts et services d’interprétation ASL

*Ouvert aux délégué.es de l’industrie détenteurs d’un badge


Adriana Chartrand
Chargée des initiatives autochtones et Analyste au contenu, Téléfilm Canada  

Steve Couture
Founder Partner, Epic Storyworlds

Steve Couture is a successful entrepreneur in the entertainment business.  More than ten years CEO of Frima, a videogame company he has cofounded, Steve acted as Producer and creator on numerous projects. More than 100 Million of kids played with Frima’s games over the years.  Whether on tablets, web games, console or any screen with pixels, Frima was, under Steve’s leadership, constantly innovating in gaming as well as youth content. 


Frima’s electronic lab contributed to creating connected toys and innovating game experiences for major toy players like Lego, Mattel and Hasbro.  


Frima FX, the animation and special effects branch was hired to work on major IMAX productions as well as Hollywood productions.  It also did service work for several movie features films (The Rooster of Saint-Victor, Mission Yeti, Dofus) and animated series (The W, Lego Bionicle). 


Tech savvy, driven by content and ambitious, in 2017, after contributing to the creation of one of the largest youth entertainment company in Canada, Steve leaves Frima to tackle new challenges.  He now concentrates on the creation of youth animated series with huge branding potential.  Many times, Award winner in the videogame industry, the youth content and the business world, Steve, bachelors in computer science and MIT graduate, enjoys passing on his passion through teaching in college and university.  He has been invited many times to speak in the local business community and to give conferences in the international gaming industry events. 


Guy A. Lepage
Producer, writer and comedian

For more than 40 years, Guy A. Lepage has been a success story. Over the course of his career, he has received more than 140 awards, including the Sir Peter Ustinov Comedy Award at the Banff International Television Festival in 2006 and the Grand Prix de l’Académie Canadienne du Cinéma et de la Télévision to celebrate his entire career in 2003. To date, he has also been awarded 16 Artis by the public; a prize for the most beloved Quebec personalities.     

 He is the creator of the comedy Un gars Une fille   

Creator, author, script-editor and director, he also plays the lead role in the original Quebec version. For 6 years, this series has won 34 television awards and has become the best-selling scripted format in the world (30 countries). At MIPTV 2014, The Wit crowned Un gars Une fille Best fiction format in the history of international television.  

 Host, writer and producer of Tout le Monde en parle’s Quebec adaptation since 2004, the show quickly became the most popular media platform in Quebec. Since the first broadcast year, the show and the host have been awarded 40 times (Gemini, Rockie, Artis, Gemini Immortal).  

 With the comedy group Rock et Belles Oreilles, which he founded in 1981, Guy A. Lepage has had success with TV series, stage shows, music albums and radio shows. He received 48 awards with his group.  

He is the producer, author and actor of the animated series Bébéatrice, which recently received the Gémeaux award for best texts in its category. 


Guy A. Lepage
Producer, writer and comedian

For more than 40 years, Guy A. Lepage has been a success story. Over the course of his career, he has received more than 140 awards, including the Sir Peter Ustinov Comedy Award at the Banff International Television Festival in 2006 and the Grand Prix de l’Académie Canadienne du Cinéma et de la Télévision to celebrate his entire career in 2003. To date, he has also been awarded 16 Artis by the public; a prize for the most beloved Quebec personalities.     

 He is the creator of the comedy Un gars Une fille   

Creator, author, script-editor and director, he also plays the lead role in the original Quebec version. For 6 years, this series has won 34 television awards and has become the best-selling scripted format in the world (30 countries). At MIPTV 2014, The Wit crowned Un gars Une fille Best fiction format in the history of international television.  

 Host, writer and producer of Tout le Monde en parle’s Quebec adaptation since 2004, the show quickly became the most popular media platform in Quebec. Since the first broadcast year, the show and the host have been awarded 40 times (Gemini, Rockie, Artis, Gemini Immortal).  

 With the comedy group Rock et Belles Oreilles, which he founded in 1981, Guy A. Lepage has had success with TV series, stage shows, music albums and radio shows. He received 48 awards with his group.  

He is the producer, author and actor of the animated series Bébéatrice, which recently received the Gémeaux award for best texts in its category. 



Marielle Poupelin
Représentante canadienne d’Eurimages et du New Dawn Fund, Téléfilm Canada    

Liisa Holmberg
Directrice General, Arctic Indigenous Film Fund (AIFF)   

Enrico Vannucci
Directeur exécutif adjoint, Fonds Eurimages 

Shamira Raphaëla
Présidente comité consultatif, New Dawn (via Zoom) 


12 H 30 À 13 H 30

Canadian Broadcasting Centre, Studio B, 250 Front Street W.


Informed Choices: New Insights for Environmentally Sustainable Filmmaking   

(Des choix éclairés : Nouvelles perspectives pour une production cinématographique respectueuse de l’environnement)  

Du développement à la postproduction, le passage à des méthodes plus écologiques pourrait vous faire gagner du temps et des ressources, tout en aidant la planète !  Au cours de cette séance, il sera question de ce que vous pouvez faire, en tant que créateur et créatrice de contenu, afin de réduire l’empreinte carbone de votre prochain film. Les producteurs et productrices ainsi que les spécialistes de l’environnement échangeront des informations sur les défis actuels, les meilleures pratiques e matière d’écoresponsabilité et les moyens de rendre vos productions moins polluantes. Découvrez les nouvelles tendances et les idées que vous pouvez mettre en pratique avec vos équipes et vos partenaires de contenu pour créer des solutions plus vertes.

Sous-titres ouverts et services d’interprétation ASL

*Ouvert aux délégué.es de l’industrie détenteurs d’un badge 


Elisa Suppa
Conseillère principale, Recherche, Telefilm Canada 

Steve Couture
Founder Partner, Epic Storyworlds

Steve Couture is a successful entrepreneur in the entertainment business.  More than ten years CEO of Frima, a videogame company he has cofounded, Steve acted as Producer and creator on numerous projects. More than 100 Million of kids played with Frima’s games over the years.  Whether on tablets, web games, console or any screen with pixels, Frima was, under Steve’s leadership, constantly innovating in gaming as well as youth content. 


Frima’s electronic lab contributed to creating connected toys and innovating game experiences for major toy players like Lego, Mattel and Hasbro.  


Frima FX, the animation and special effects branch was hired to work on major IMAX productions as well as Hollywood productions.  It also did service work for several movie features films (The Rooster of Saint-Victor, Mission Yeti, Dofus) and animated series (The W, Lego Bionicle). 


Tech savvy, driven by content and ambitious, in 2017, after contributing to the creation of one of the largest youth entertainment company in Canada, Steve leaves Frima to tackle new challenges.  He now concentrates on the creation of youth animated series with huge branding potential.  Many times, Award winner in the videogame industry, the youth content and the business world, Steve, bachelors in computer science and MIT graduate, enjoys passing on his passion through teaching in college and university.  He has been invited many times to speak in the local business community and to give conferences in the international gaming industry events. 


Guy A. Lepage
Producer, writer and comedian

For more than 40 years, Guy A. Lepage has been a success story. Over the course of his career, he has received more than 140 awards, including the Sir Peter Ustinov Comedy Award at the Banff International Television Festival in 2006 and the Grand Prix de l’Académie Canadienne du Cinéma et de la Télévision to celebrate his entire career in 2003. To date, he has also been awarded 16 Artis by the public; a prize for the most beloved Quebec personalities.     

 He is the creator of the comedy Un gars Une fille   

Creator, author, script-editor and director, he also plays the lead role in the original Quebec version. For 6 years, this series has won 34 television awards and has become the best-selling scripted format in the world (30 countries). At MIPTV 2014, The Wit crowned Un gars Une fille Best fiction format in the history of international television.  

 Host, writer and producer of Tout le Monde en parle’s Quebec adaptation since 2004, the show quickly became the most popular media platform in Quebec. Since the first broadcast year, the show and the host have been awarded 40 times (Gemini, Rockie, Artis, Gemini Immortal).  

 With the comedy group Rock et Belles Oreilles, which he founded in 1981, Guy A. Lepage has had success with TV series, stage shows, music albums and radio shows. He received 48 awards with his group.  

He is the producer, author and actor of the animated series Bébéatrice, which recently received the Gémeaux award for best texts in its category. 


Guy A. Lepage
Producer, writer and comedian

For more than 40 years, Guy A. Lepage has been a success story. Over the course of his career, he has received more than 140 awards, including the Sir Peter Ustinov Comedy Award at the Banff International Television Festival in 2006 and the Grand Prix de l’Académie Canadienne du Cinéma et de la Télévision to celebrate his entire career in 2003. To date, he has also been awarded 16 Artis by the public; a prize for the most beloved Quebec personalities.     

 He is the creator of the comedy Un gars Une fille   

Creator, author, script-editor and director, he also plays the lead role in the original Quebec version. For 6 years, this series has won 34 television awards and has become the best-selling scripted format in the world (30 countries). At MIPTV 2014, The Wit crowned Un gars Une fille Best fiction format in the history of international television.  

 Host, writer and producer of Tout le Monde en parle’s Quebec adaptation since 2004, the show quickly became the most popular media platform in Quebec. Since the first broadcast year, the show and the host have been awarded 40 times (Gemini, Rockie, Artis, Gemini Immortal).  

 With the comedy group Rock et Belles Oreilles, which he founded in 1981, Guy A. Lepage has had success with TV series, stage shows, music albums and radio shows. He received 48 awards with his group.  

He is the producer, author and actor of the animated series Bébéatrice, which recently received the Gémeaux award for best texts in its category. 



Daniel Bekerman
Producteur, Close To You

Tyler Hagan
Producteur, Seagrass

Félize Frappier
Productrice, Azimut Films

Andrew Robinson
Expert principal en matière de durabilité et de performance sociale, Green Spark Group

Joel Fecht
Vice President, Sales and Business Development, Access Canada 

Joel Fecht has spent over 20 years in sales and marketing in the advertising and entertainment industries. From scrappy internet start-ups to industry-leading multinational corporations, Joel has excelled in various roles, such as lead writer, webseries producer, general manager, sales rep, sales team lead, and director of sales and business development. Most recently, he is the VP of Sales and Business Development for Access Canada, a white-label services company providing the entertainment industry with PR services, training programs, market access, and custom events, such as Content Canada happening Sept. 13 & 14 at The Drake in Toronto. 


As VP of Sales and Business Development at Content Canada, he leads and oversees all sales and strategic partnerships. Under his leadership, Access Canada has quickly grown to be the #1 white-label service provider in Canada, and he is personally responsible for the creation and launch of both the Alberta Producer Accelerator and the Northern Canada Producer Accelerator, the first producer training program offered to northern Canadian residents with the support of every major English-speaking broadcaster in the country.  


Some of the companies he is fortunate to count as clients include Telefilm, Netflix, Amazon Studios, Bell Media, Rogers, Corus, CBC, APTN, eOne, BRON, CMPA, C21 Media, Canadian Heritage, The Black Academy, Reelworld Screen Institute, Disability Screen Office, Black Screen Office, Racial Equity Screen Office, Calgary Economic Development, Yukon Media Development, Screen Production Yukon Association, Northwest Territories Film Commission, Northwest Territories Professional Media Association, Bell Fund, Ontario Creates, Quebec Television & Film Council, William F. White, Universal Music, Warner Records, BMG, Paramount+ and many, many others. 


Mayumi Yoshida 

Cassidy Dimon
Founder, Film Event Accessibility Working Group (FEAW)

Cassidy Dimon is a filmmaker and event producer with over 15 years of experience producing film events across the US. She has produced over 200 film screenings, numerous award shows and film festivals, as well as two iterations of the esteemed Getting Real Documentary Film Conference. Cassidy is also the founder of the Film Event Accessibility Working Group (FEAW),an initiative that harnesses the collective power of event professionals to help exhibitors across the country develop and execute accessible events and is the creator of the Film Event Accessibility Scorecard launched in July 2022. Currently, she is the Director of Programs, Events & Accessibility for Full Spectrum Features in Chicago, IL. 


Kelly Lynne Ashton 

Prasanna Ranganathan
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) Consultant and Accessibility Advisor

Prasanna Ranganathan (he/him) is a human rights lawyer, diversity and inclusion consultant and lead, accessibility advisor, speaker, and social media strategist. Prasanna served as the Head of Diversity and Belonging at Shopify and as an international human rights lawyer. He has over 16 years of experience in diversity, inclusion and accessibility, working in the legal profession, the entertainment industry, and in tech. He is a Consulting Producer on the 2021 docuseries Born for Business about entrepreneurs with disabilities (currently airing on NBC Peacock and Crave Canada) and an Associate Producer on the 2016 documentary film Dream, Girl about women entrepreneurs that premiered at the Obama White House. A social media strategist and red carpet correspondent, Prasanna has covered the red carpets at the 2019 Academy Awards and the 2014 Screen Actors Guild Awards, and designed social media campaigns for Oprah Winfrey and Arianna Huffington. Proudly claiming his identity as an LGBTQ2+ racialized person with a disability (Prasanna is legally blind), Prasanna is a seasoned speaker on diversity, inclusion and accessibility, providing the annual Toronto International Film Festival inclusion and accessibility workshop for all staff members and delivering guest lectures at the University of Southern California Annenberg Inclusion Initiative on inclusive storytelling. 


Haydn Wazell 

Mélanie S. Dubois
Producer, MéMO Films

Mélanie S. Dubois is a writer, director and producer. She founded her own production company MéMO FILMS in 2018 in which she produced the short film Lune, directed by Zoé Pelchat (Dominos). In 2020, she received support from SODEC for the development of her feature films: Les enfants de l’État and EMMAC Terre marine, as well as support from FIP/FMC for the development of its futuristic web series Booster Station. She also collaborates with Denys Desjardins on the content of the documentary web series L’industrie de la vieillesse (tou.tv) and is producing the second season of the documentary series Quand Benoit est là! for the Zeste chain (TVA). Mélanie also works as a freelancer for film and television productions (La Déesse des mouches à feuLes oiseaux ivresLes Barbares de la MalbaieJeune Juliette, Blood QuantumL’affaire Norbourg…).  


V.T. Nayani 

Énoncé de collecte

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Infolettre RDVCanada

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Coordonnateur de l’accès à l’information et de la protection des renseignements personnels
Téléfilm Canada
360, rue Saint-Jacques, bureau 600
Montréal (Québec) H2Y 1P5

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