TIFF Programming

Where to meet the best of Canadian talent!

Canada Lounge

The Canada Lounge is a business and networking centre for Canadian film teams. The Lounge serves as their Toronto meeting hub with international industry representatives.

Canada Lounge
Festival Industry Centre


Eye on TIFF

An exclusive pre-Festival event since 2011 in New York and entering its fifth edition in Los Angeles, Eye on TIFF provides pre-Festival screenings to international distributors, sales agents and exhibitors with a sneak preview of some of Canada’s most buzzworthy titles programed at TIFF. For the second year, the Eye on TIFF initiative will be in Europe, in particular London and Paris, as there were positive responses from last year’s extension in the same cities.

Eye on TIFF is an initiative that aims to support the promotion and international marketing strategy of Canadian productions abroad, aligned with our vision from the Export Assistance Program.

New York, Paris


Los Angeles, London


RDV Canada TIFF Breakfast: National & International Funding for Indigenous Content

For the first time at the Festival, Telefilm Canada in collaboration with imagineNATIVE are co-hosting a breakfast to share international funding opportunities for Indigenous content.

9/08 − 9:00 – 10:30
RDV Canada TIFF Breakfast
LUMA TIFF Bell Lightbox


RDV Canada Panel series

During TIFF Industry, a series of three panels to spotlight some of the most important topics in the industry today, including blockchain and coproduction, as well as some of the brightest Canadian talent.

7/09 − 13:30 − 14:30
Tokenizing the film industry with Blockchain
CBC – Glenn Gould Studio

A look on how blockchain impacts content financing, promotion and revenues

 “Tokenization” is central in blockchain technologies applied to various industries by which producers and rights holders can create value and finance/promote/monetize content or related assets.



9/09 − 12:30 − 13:30 
How Canadian producers are making it work
CBC Room B


10/09 − 10:00 − 11:00
How to access the global stage
CBC Room B


6th Birks Diamond Tribute to the Year’s Women in Film

This year marks the sixth edition of the Birks Diamond Tribute to the Year’s Women in Film held during the Festival, in partnership with Telefilm Canada. Honouring six Canadian female directors, actors and screenwriters in their outstanding flair in storytelling, the honourees were selected by a pan-Canadian jury comprised of over 20 arts and entertainment journalists and bloggers.

The honourees 2018 selected by a jury of of 23 journalists, bloggers and on-air personalities are:  

Nettie Wild

Pascale Bussières
Tantoo Cardinal

Susan Coyne

Emerging Directors
Jeanne Leblanc
Stella Meghie

Birks Diamond Tribute to the Year’s Women in Film

By invitation only



Telefilm Canada’s PITCH THIS! returns for its 19th consecutive year at the 2018 Toronto International Film Festival. Six teams will have six minutes to pitch their feature-film idea to a live audience of industry delegates and a jury of development and production experts. All genres and styles of presentation are permitted. The most original and compelling story will be awarded a prize of $15,000.

For more information, please visit TIFF unveils 2018 Telefilm Canada’s PITCH THIS! Finalists.

9/09 − 16:30 – 17:30
Glenn Gould Studio


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Collection Statement

Newsletter RDVCanada

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The collection and use of such personal information are in accordance with the Privacy Act and are in line with Telefilm Canada’s mission as specified in section 10 of the Telefilm Canada Act. Such information may be used for statistical, evaluation and reporting purposes. The information is included in the personal information bank Public Communications (PSU 914).

Privacy Inquiry

Any questions, comments, concerns or complaints regarding the administration of the Privacy Act and privacy policies may be directed to Telefilm Canada’s Privacy Coordinator by email to ATIP-AIPRP@telefilm.ca, by calling (514) 283-6363 or (800) 567-0890, by fax at (514) 283-8447, or by writing to:

Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator
360 St. Jacques Street,
Suite 600
Montréal, Quebec H2Y 1P5

If you are not satisfied with our response to your privacy concern, you may wish to contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner by e-mail at info@priv.gc.ca or by telephone at (800) 282-1376.