MIFA Programming

Stand 4.F00.

This year, at MIFA, around 40 Canadian companies will be at the Canada Pavilion where animated events will take place. 

Find out where you can meet the Canadians!


11/06 − 14:00 – 15:00
Special Event: Women in Animation (WIA) et les Femmes s’Animent (LFA) : ce que signifie 50/50 pour les alliés.
L’Impérial – Palace Salle de l’Europe

Speaker: Anthony Leo,
Co-President, Aircraft Pictures


11/06 − 14:30 – 15:45
Making of : Gymnasia: A Deep Dive into Stop-Motion Animation in Virtual Reality
Bonlieu Petite Salle

Speakers: Chris Lavis and Maciek Szczerbowski of Clyde Henry Productions and Paul Raphaël of Felix & Paul Studios, in collaboration with the NFB


11/06 − 15:00 – 15:45
Women in Animation (WIA) et Les Femmes s’Animent (LFA) : discussion avec des réalisatrices distinguées aux Oscars.
L’Impérial Palace – Salle de l’Europe

Nora Twomey, Director The Breadwinner, Cartoon Saloon (Irlande) 


12/06 − 9:00 – 17:00
Destination Canada Program 
L’Impérial Palace -Salle de l’Europe

You have questions regarding working in Canada? Ashleigh Searle, Strategic Communications Officer
IRCC / Embassy of Canada to France, will be on site to answer all questions.


12/06 10:00 – 15:00
Come study in Quebec
Canada Pavilion

With Christian Beauchesne, Interim Director General, École des arts numériques, de l’animation et du design, Pierre Tousignant, Professor of 3D at the École des arts numériques, and Sarah Esteves, Recruiter for UQAC. 


12/06 16:00 – 17:00
B2B Meetings – TF1
Canada Pavilion

With Anne-Sophie Perrine and Stéphanie Gerthoffert 


12/06 − 16:00 – 17:30 
Conference : Le temps réel, point de convergence (?) des studios des industries du jeu vidéo et de l’animation
L’Impérial Palace – Salle de l’Europe

Canadian Speaker: Emily Paige, Co-owner, Creative producer
e.d. films


13/06 9:00 − 10:30 
MIFA Pitch Competition – Feature films
L’Impérial Palace – Rotonde de l’Europe

  • Archipel de Félix Dufour-Laperrière (L’Embuscade)
  • Beyond the Inuksuk de Neil Christopher  (Taqqut Productions) 

13/06 12:00 – 12:30
B2B Meetings – Cartoon Network
Canada Pavilion

By Invitation Only

With Aurélie Wack


13/06 14:30 – 15:30
Networking with Brazil
Canada Pavilion



13/06− 15:30 – 16:30
B2B Meetings – France Television
Canada Pavilion

With Claire Heinrich


13/06 17:30 − 19:00
Networking Reception 
Canada Pavilion

A reception with a Canadian twist!


14/06 10:00 – 11:30
Wip Musical Pachamama
Bonlieu Petite salle

With Brice Garnier, Kaibou Production


14/06 10:30 – 11:30
B2B Meetings – M6
Canada Pavilion

By Invitation Only

With Stéphane Pasquier


14/06 10:30 – 12:00
B2B Meetings – Disney France 
Canada Pavilion

By Invitation Only

With Clément Le Strat


14/06 11:30 – 12:00
B2B Meetings – Cartoon Network
Canada Pavilion

By Invitation Only

With Stéphane Pasquier


14/06 15:30 – 17:30
B2B Meetings – Canal Family
Canada Pavilion

By Invitation Only

With Alain Johnson


14/06 16:30 − 17:45
Leçons de cinéma : Animateurs et musiciens 
Bonlieu Petite Salle

Canadian speaker : Patrick Bouchard, director, NFB


15/06 9:30 − 10:45
Work in Progress: Playmobil – Le Film (WIP Feature)
Salle Pierre Lamy

Canadian speaker: Lino Di Salvo, director, On Animation Studios


15/06 − 10:00 – 13:00
Come study in Québec
Canada Pavilion

With Christian Beauchesne, Interim Director General, École des arts numériques, de l’animation et du design, Pierre Tousignant, Professor of 3D at the École des arts numériques, and Sarah Esteves, Recruiter for UQAC 


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