Canada’s EFM Doc and Fiction Toolbox participants!

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Hot off our Berlinale and European Film Market presses: Meet the 15 Canadian producers selected to participate in this year’s Doc and Fiction Toolbox initiatives, happening online from February 10 to 16, 2022 as part of the European Film Market’s Diversity & Inclusion.

This initiative offers workshops intended for producers from underrepresented groups. From fostering connections and networking opps to expert business training sessions, customized workshops, and a whole lot more; it’s all about gaining tools, contacts, and knowledge to thrive in a global marketplace. Of course, our Canadian talent will be there in a big way! For the third year, Telefilm Canada and the SODEC (Société de développement des entreprises culturelles) are supporting the initiative, in collaboration with ImagineNative, the Indigenous Screen Office, the Black Screen Office, the Canada Media Fund, the Canadian Media Producers Association, and Creative BC.

We’re excited to introduce you to our nine filmmakers participating in the upcoming EFM Doc Toolbox Programme, and six taking part in the EFM Fiction Toolbox Programme:

Doc Toolbox Programme

Presented by EFM Documentary and EFM Diversity & Inclusion

Fiction Toolbox Programme

Presented by EMF Diversity & Inclusion

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